Build and deploy an NFT Whitelist App with React and Solidity | Step-by-Step Tutorial.

Build and deploy an NFT Whitelist App with React and Solidity | Step-by-Step Tutorial.

This is an NFT whitelisting use case. Building a dApp with Solidity + React.js & ethers.js

Consider creating an NFT project and granting exclusive access to early signups through a limited whitelist. You can create your whitelist using the smart contract. The website then allows users to connect with and join the Whitelist Smart Contract

This project demonstrates a basic whitelisting use case.


In this post, we will create a full-fledged DApp that will be deployed on Ethereum.

We will write the smart contract code in Solidity, Alchemy will be our RPC, and Hardhat, our local development environment.

For users to interact with the smart contract, our UI will be built with React.js and ethers.js.


All that is necessary is a basic knowledge of the Solidity programming language and React.js.

Let's build something.

The plan is to build and deploy the smart contract first, and then the front end subsequently.

In the following lines, we will set up our Hardhat environment and then write some Solidity code.

Finally, we will fund our wallet with test tokens and deploy on a testnet!

Our deployed contract address and contract abi will be the layer of communication between the UI and the smart contract.

Setting up our environment

Hardhat configuration

  • Create a folder for your smart contract on your computer.

  • cd into the root folder and run the following commands.

// in this order, run these commands

npm init --yes
npm install --save-dev hardhat
npx hardhat

Once you run, you will be given a few prompts to set up.

  • Select Create a basic sample project

  • Press enter for the already specified Hardhat Project root

  • Press enter for the question if you want to add a .gitignore

Complete the hardhat installation by installing these packages.

Copy and paste this into your terminal

npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers

That's it! We can start writing some code.

The Whitelist Smart Contract

After installing Hardhat and the other required dependencies, we can see that the contracts, scripts, and test folders include the Greeting.sol sample smart contract, as well as its deploy and test scripts.

Make sure all of these folders are empty because we will be creating a fresh smart contract from the start!

Create a new file in the contracts folder and name it Whitelist.sol

  • The contract will include a uint public maxWhitelistedAddresses that represents the maximum number of accounts that can be on our whitelist. No one can join the whitelist if this number is achieved. We will set the value for this entity with a constructor function when we are deploying.

  • The contract will include a uint public numAddressesWhitelisted that represents the current number of accounts we already have on our whitelist. Upon deployment, the value for this value will be zero and it will be increased until the maximum is reached.

  • The contract will include a mapping(address => bool) public whitelistedAddresses. This logic sets a particular address to true immediately it joins the whitelist. It will also be used to ensure that, no account can join the whitelist twice!

  • Moreover, we will have a constructor function which will be used to set the value of the maximum accounts that can join the whitelist i.e maxWhitelistedAddress. The value will be set upon deployment.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Whitelist {

    // Represents the total number of accounts we want to have in our whitelist.
    // Value of this will be set with the constructor when we deploy.
    uint  public maxWhitelistedAddresses;

    // This logic creates a mapping of address to boolean
    // default value is false. It will be set to true when an address joins.
    mapping(address => bool) public whitelistedAddresses;

    // This variable will keep track of the number of whitelisted addresses. 
    // It will increase until the maximum number is reached.
    uint public numAddressesWhitelisted;

    // Takes an input that will set the value of maxWhitelistAddress
    // Owner will put the value at the time of deployment
    constructor(uint _maxWhitelistedAddresses) {
        maxWhitelistedAddresses =  _maxWhitelistedAddresses;


Now that we have all our types, a mapping, and a constructor, we need to complete this contract by adding the most important function addAddressToWhitelist().

This function will be called when the user wants to join the whitelist.

function addAddressToWhitelist() public {
  // ensures that the caller of the function is not already part of the whitelist. 
  require(!whitelistedAddresses[msg.sender], "Sender has already been whitelisted");

   // check if the maximum number of whitelisted addresses is not reached, if not then throw an error.
   require(numAddressesWhitelisted < maxWhitelistedAddresses, "You cannot join now. Limit has been reached");

   // Sets the callers address to true.
   // This makes it a legible whitelisted addres
   whitelistedAddresses[msg.sender] = true;

    // This will increase the number of whitelisted addresses
    numAddressesWhitelisted += 1;

Putting our entire contract together

//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Whitelist {

    // Represents the total number of accounts we want to have in our whitelist.
    // Value of this will be set with the constructor when we deploy.
    uint  public maxWhitelistedAddresses;

    // This logic creates a mapping of address to boolean
    // default value is false. It will be set to true when an address joins.
    mapping(address => bool) public whitelistedAddresses;

    // This variable will keep track of the number of whitelisted addresses. 
    // It will increase until the maximum number is reached.
    uint public numAddressesWhitelisted;

    // Takes an input that will set the value of maxWhitelistAddress
    // Owner will put the value at the time of deployment
    constructor(uint _maxWhitelistedAddresses) {
        maxWhitelistedAddresses =  _maxWhitelistedAddresses;

    function addAddressToWhitelist() public {
  // ensures that the caller of the function is not already part of the whitelist. 

  require(!whitelistedAddresses[msg.sender], "Sender has already been whitelisted");

   // check if the maximum number of whitelisted addresses is not reached, if not then throw an error.
   require(numAddressesWhitelisted < maxWhitelistedAddresses, "You cannot join now. Limit has been reached");

   // Sets the callers address to true.
   // This makes it a legible whitelisted addres
   whitelistedAddresses[msg.sender] = true;

    // This will increase the number of whitelisted addresses
    numAddressesWhitelisted += 1;


Configuring the deploy script

In the scripts folder, create a deploy.js file. It is within this file that we will have all our deployment logic and set our value constructors.

const { ethers } = require("hardhat");

async function main() {
  A ContractFactory in ethers.js is an abstraction used to deploy new smart contracts,
  so `ourContract` here is a factory for instances of our Whitelist contract.
  const ourContract = await ethers.getContractFactory("Whitelist");

  // here we deploy the contract
  const deployedContract = await ourContract.deploy(10);
  // 10 is the Maximum number of whitelisted addresses allowed ie our constructor

  // Wait for it to finish deploying
  await deployedContract.deployed();

  // prints and logs the address of the deployed contract in the console
    "Contract Address:",

// Call the main function and catch if there is any error
  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch((error) => {

Funding our wallet and getting our RPC.

Funding our wallet

To launch our smart contract, we will fund our Metamask wallet with some testnet (fake) coins for development reasons.

  • Visit this link to fund your wallet with some fake ETH

Rinkeby Testnet Faucets

  • Before making the request, launch Metamask and switch to the Rinkeby test network.

Metamask funded succesfully

Getting our RPC

Alchemy is a blockchain API service that will allow us to easily deploy our smart contract!

Alchemy Authentication

Sign up, and then let's go over to create our app and acquire our API keys.

  • After successful signup, create an app from the dashboard.

Alchemy Create App Dashboard

  • Fill in some pertinent data to finish your app setup. Select Ethereum and the RInkeby Test Network.

Alchemy project setup

  • View details of your app and copy your HTTP endpoint. We will use this endpoint for the deployment of the contract soon.

Deployment Endpoint

Let's finish the deployment

  • Create a .env file in the root of your smart contract folder. This file will contain your Alchemy HTTP endpoint as well as your Rinkeby Private Key.

Switch to the Rinkeby test network in Metamask and copy the private key.

Metamask Private Key

  • In your .env file:

  • To be able to import our keys into our final config file, we need an npm package called dotenv .
npm install dotenv

Final config before deployment

  • Open to the hardhat.config.js file. This file will be used to configure our networks and API keys for the deployment process.

Copy and paste the following lines of code into the file for convenience.

require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" });

const API_KEY = process.env.API_KEY;

const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;

module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.0", // you can change it to the version of Solidity you want
  networks: {
    rinkeby: {
      url: API_KEY,
      accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],

Compile the contract

 npx hardhat compile

Deploy the contract

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
  • Voila! Our contract is successfully deployed on the Ethereum RInkeby Test Network!

  • Take note of the contract address that was logged in the console. It will be required on the front end in order to communicate with the smart contract.

-A new artifacts folder is created after a successful deployment. This folder contains a .json file with our contract's ABI. Copy it and save it because we'll need it along with the contract address.

The Whitelist Frontend Development

In the second and last part of this tutorial, we will create a React app, connect it to Metamask, and use ethers.js to call functions on the smart contract.

Our app will leverage basic React principles such as updating states and making transactions.

Installing React.js and ethers.js

  • Visit the official docs to install and set up React.js

  • Install ethers.js as a dependency by running the code below

npm install ethers
  • For the sake of simplicity and convenience, I'm going to do all of my reasoning in the src file's root. You can arrange the folder structure as you see fit.

Folder Structure

Building the frontend

In the Whitelist.js file:

import { useState } from "react";

export default function Whitelist() {

// this manages the state of the number of people on the whitelist
// initial value is set at `null`
 const [numofWhitelisted, setNumofWhitelisted] = useState(null);

// this manages the text shown in the button when connected or not.
// initial value is set at `Connect Wallet`
const [connectButtonText, setConnetButtonText] = useState("Connect Wallet");

// this manages the state of the connected account / address
//intial value is set at `null`
const [connectedAddress, setConnectedAddress] = useState(null);

  return (
          <h1>Welcome to the Whitelist Tutorial!</h1>

// when this button is clicked , Metamask should pop up for the user to connect
// upon successful connecting , the text state should change. 

// upon successful connecting, the text state should change
// the address of the connected account should show up
            <p> Connected Address : {connectedAddress} </p>


// when this button is clicked, state should update and the whitelisted number should show
              Get the number of whitelisted addresses
            {numofWhitelisted} have already joined the Whitelist

// when this button is clicked, Metamask should pop up for a transaction to be signed
// when signed , the user will be added to the whitelist

      <footer>Made by Michael Asiedu</footer>


Now that you have the unfiltered app, let us implement all of the blockchain functions and update the states.

import { useState } from "react";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

// save your ABI in a json file and import it here
import contract_abi from "./contract_abi.json";

export default function Whitelist() {

// address of the smart contract
const contractAddress = `0x90b989349A58a20415Cb3ff440b6244cF3737e12`;

// this manages the state of the number of people on the whitelist
// initial value is set at `null`
 const [numofWhitelisted, setNumofWhitelisted] = useState(null);

// this manages the text shown in the button when connected or not.
// initial value is set at `Connect Wallet`
const [connectButtonText, setConnetButtonText] = useState("Connect Wallet");

// this manages the state of the connected account / address
//intial value is set at `null`
const [connectedAddress, setConnectedAddress] = useState(null);

 // state management of provider , signer and contract
  const [provider, setProvider] = useState(null);
  const [signer, setSigner] = useState(null);
  const [contract, setContract] = useState(null);

  return (
          <h1>Welcome to the Whitelist Tutorial!</h1>
            <button onClick={connectWalletHandler}>

            <p> Connected Address : {connectedAddress} </p>

            <button onClick={getNumWhitelistHandler}>
              Get the number of whitelisted addresses
            {numofWhitelisted} have already joined the Whitelist

            <button onClick={joinWhitelistHandler}>

      <footer>Made by Michael Asiedu</footer>


What are Providers and Signers?

  • A Provider is an abstraction of an Ethereum network connection that provides a clear, consistent interface to regular Ethereum node functions.

  • A Signer in ethers is an abstraction of an Ethereum Account that may be used** to sign messages and transactions and submit signed transactions to the Ethereum Network** to perform state changes.

// the if-else statement checks if the browser has Metamasks installed
// if installed, it will connect to the first account/address

  const connectWalletHandler = () => {
    if (window.ethereum) {
        .request({ method: "eth_requestAccounts" })
        .then((result) => {

    // after connection, state of connectedAddress and connectButtonText  will update
          setConnetButtonText("Wallet Connected!");
    // updateEthers will initiate the provider, signer and the contract instnace
    } else {
      setConnectedAddress("Please Install Metamask Extension!");

    const updateEthers = async () => {

    // initiate a provider with ethers.js
    const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);

   // initiate a signer with ethers.js
    const signer = provider.getSigner();

   // initiating a new contract instance with ethers.js
    const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contract_abi, signer);


    // will log the provider, signer, and contract in the console when successful.
    console.log({provider, signer , contract})

Getting the number of whitelisted accounts and joining the whitelist.

  const getNumWhitelistHandler = async () => {
   // calls the numAddressesWhitelisted public uint from our contract directly
    let number = await contract.numAddressesWhitelisted.length;

  const joinWhitelistHandler = async () => {
  // calls the addAddressToWhitelist function in our smart contract directly 
    const tx = await contract.addAddressToWhitelist();
    await tx.wait();

    setJoinWhiteListText("Succesfully Joined!");
    await getNumWhitelistHandler();

Putting the frontend together

import { useState } from "react";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import "./styles.css";
import contract_abi from "./contract_abi.json";

export default function Whitelist() {
  const contractAddress = `0x90b989349A58a20415Cb3ff440b6244cF3737e12`;

  const [numofWhitelisted, setNumofWhitelisted] = useState(null);
  const [connectButtonText, setConnetButtonText] = useState("Connect Wallet");

  const [connectedAddress, setConnectedAddress] = useState(null);

  // state management of provider , signer and contract
  const [provider, setProvider] = useState(null);
  const [signer, setSigner] = useState(null);
  const [contract, setContract] = useState(null);

  const connectWalletHandler = () => {
    if (window.ethereum) {
        .request({ method: "eth_requestAccounts" })
        .then((result) => {
          setConnetButtonText("Wallet Connected!");
    } else {
      setConnectedAddress("Please Install Metamask Extension!");

  const updateEthers = async () => {
    const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);

    const signer = provider.getSigner();

    const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contract_abi, signer);


  const getNumWhitelistHandler = async () => {
    let number = await contract.numAddressesWhitelisted.length;

  const joinWhitelistHandler = async () => {
    const tx = await contract.addAddressToWhitelist();
    await tx.wait();

    setJoinWhiteListText("Succesfully Joined!");
    await getNumWhitelistHandler();

  return (
      <div className="main">
          <h1 className="title">Welcome to the Whitelist Tutorial!</h1>
            <button onClick={connectWalletHandler}>

            <p> Connected Address : {connectedAddress} </p>
          <div className="description">
            <button onClick={getNumWhitelistHandler}>

              Get the number of whitelisted addresses
            {numofWhitelisted} have already joined the Whitelist
            <button onClick={joinWhitelistHandler}>


      <footer className="footer">Made by Michael Asiedu</footer>

Before connecting to Metamask...

Before connecting to Metamask

After connecting to Metamask...

After connecting to Metamask

Before you leave

You can use Custom Hooks, ContextAPI, and the useReducer hook to make the code cleaner.

Here is the repository for this lesson, with separate branches for the smart contract and the front end.

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